Johana Bolívar

Johana Bolívar is a Ph.D. in Biotechnology focused on tissue engineering at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico. She works on the fabrication of skeletal muscle and cancer models. Johana is proficient in mammalian cell and bacteria culture, bioprinting, organ-on-chip, spheroids, immunostaining, RT-qPCR, fluorescence microscopy, rheology, synthesis of biomaterials (i.e. GelMA and HAMA). She was also a visiting researcher at University of California Los Angeles and Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Engineering. Johana has won the ACTA Award 2016 by the Colombian Association of Food Science and Technology, the Young Scientist Award 2021 by the International Society for Biofabrication, For Women in Science Recognition 2022 awarded by 3M Company, and she has earned different Scholarships in Colombia and Mexico.

Contact: [email protected]